Full Graduate Standing
Students may be admitted to full graduate standing when the following requirements are met:
1. A formal application for admission including official transcripts, forms and fees has been received by the director of admissions.
2. Evidence of Christian conversion and high standards of moral character alongwith indications of academic proficiency are also considered.
3.Evidence of completion of a Bachelors degree from an accredited institution has been received. Credit applied toward a previously completed degree will not be accepted toward the Master degree. Students must have completed at least 18 semester units of undergraduate course work in religion, Bible and theology combined. At least six semester units of biblical Greek language studies for Masters students are required.
4.AminimumgradepointaverageofBinthelast60semestercreditsofundergraduatework has been maintained. Students admitted to a graduate program on a provisional basis because of a lower than 3.00 GPA in their last 60 semester credits of work may receive full graduate standing if theyare able to maintain a 3.00 GPA or better in their first eight semester credits of graduate work at Cohen University.
5. Completion of the required semester credits of deficiency undergraduate work (the standard of comparison is the undergraduate degree program at Cohen University) in the proposed area of concentration.
Provisional Graduate Standing
An applicant may be placed in provisional graduate standing for the following reasons:
1. Insufficient prerequisite undergraduate course work in the area of concentration as determined by the comparison of the student’s undergraduate record with the stated expectations of Cohen University’s undergraduate degree program. Applicants whose undergraduate record shows a deficiency will be required to make up such studies prior to the completion of the first half of their graduate program.
2. A grade point average in the last 60 semester credits of undergraduate course work that does not meet the 3.0 requirement for admission, but is not below the 2.5 GPA minimum.